MT4 programmers for hire. How to find the right MT4 / MQL4 programmer

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MT4 programmers for hire. How to find the right MT4 / MQL4 programmer

Hiring an MT4 programmer is the best way to turn your ideas into an EA or indicator, or to automate a system you already have. So, what do they do, and why should you hire an MT4 programmer rather than building your own system?

Read on if you would like to know if you should hire an advanced MT4 programmer, how to find advanced programmers, and how to go about hiring them.

What tasks a professional MT4 Programmer is able to solve?

An MT4 programmer creates, adapts, or improves MQL4 code to run programs on the MetaTrader trading platform. Traders hire MT4 programmers to create or modify automated trading systems (EAs), indicators, scripts, and function libraries.

mt4 & mql4 programmer

Traders can hire MT4 programmers to turn trading ideas into automated trading strategies, known as Expert Advisors (or EAs) on MetaTrader. Programmers can also create indicators for their clients to help with visualization of price action. MT4 programmers can assist with the automation of an existing trading system, or the conversion of a system from another programming language to MQL4. Scripts and function libraries are used to automate frequent tasks, or to integrate other software into an EA.

A good MT4 programmer must possess advanced knowledge of MQL4 and MetaTrader, solid coding experience, and a thorough understanding of trading system development. An advanced MT4 programmer will often have direct trading experience too.

The creation or modification of EAs requires the programmer to fine tune and debug the EA to run efficiently and optimize settings to maximize the reward to risk profile. Programmers also need to be able to clearly communicate with clients to make sure they understand exactly what the code should do. This includes making sure there are no flaws in the logic behind the code, and that the objectives are realistic.

Grid EA. Custom Trading Strategies Automation

Why hiring an experienced MT4 Programmer is the optimal solution?

If you want to build an expert advisor or indicator for MetaTrader you have three options.

You can:

  • build it yourself,
  • use an EA builder, or
  • hire an MT4 programmer.

While it may be cheaper to code it yourself, or use an EA builder, you will often save time, money and aggravation in the long run by hiring an experienced MT4 programmer.

An experienced MT4 programmer will be able to build a system that runs efficiently and takes maximum advantage of MetaTrader’s features. They can also build EAs that can be extended or adapted in the future. MT4 programmers are already aware of the problems that come up when building a trading system, and how to solve them.

EA builders are straightforward, but limit the capabilities of an EA. To build an EA yourself, you will need a thorough knowledge of MetaTrader and MQL4, and experience with programming and trading systems. Without the right knowledge, the learning curve can be very steep – and more importantly very expensive. Mistakes and limitations in an EA cost time and money.

If you can find a good MT4 programmer, you are likely to have an EA, that actually does what it’s supposed to, up and running sooner, In the longer term this will cost you less in time, lost revenue and unnecessary losses.

How to find and hire the right MT4 Programmer?

Finding and hiring an MT4 programmer may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. The following tips will help you find and hire a programmer who is trustworthy and reliable, and who has the right skills to complete your job.

Make sure you have a detailed brief for your EA or indicator before you begin your search. This will help you find an MT4 programmer with the right skills. It will also ensure that you don’t rush your brief when you do find a programmer.

Your brief should explain your idea and the requirements for your EA or indicator in as much detail as possible. Don’t worry about using technical jargon – plain English is fine. But make sure you do not leave anything out and nothing is ambiguous. Remember to include as many aspects like timeframes, instruments, position size etc. as possible. Including too much detail is much better than too little detail.

When it comes to finding MT4 programmers, there are three places to search: Google, MT4 programmer directories (which you will find on Google too) and specialized freelancer platforms (Upwork, Freelancer and others).

Start out by making an initial list of programmers, and then try to find out more about them. You’ll want to avoid the programmers who only come up on paid ads and promotions. Try to find programmers with a track record who are listed on various sites and referenced by other traders. You will find a lot of reviews of MT4 programmers on the Forex Peace Army website.

Ultimately you should end up with a list of 3 or 4 programmers who have a track record, positive reviews and the capabilities you need. Now you can send your brief to these programmers and ask for a quote.

The more back and forth communication you have with a programmer, the more you will learn about them. So, make sure you ask them questions, and make sure they verify all the details on your brief. Ideally, they will also make some suggestions for improving the EA or features that can be added. Take not of the clarity with which they communicate, as this is a good indication of the way they think.

By this stage you should have a good idea of your preferred choices, and the final step will be to weigh up the quotes against each programmer’s capabilities.

Forex EA Programming Services

Common mistakes when hiring an MT4 Programmer and how to avoid them

You can greatly improve the outcome of an MT4 programming project by avoiding a few common mistakes people make when hiring programmers. These are the most common mistakes that may cost you time and money in the long run:

  • Hiring an MT4 programmer with poor communication skills: A programmer may be very skilled at coding, but if they can’t communicate effectively, they are unlikely to understand what you require. Take carful note of the way they communicate and the questions they ask. It is also your responsibility to make sure they understand the brief when you hire them.
  • Rushing to hire a programmer: Traders are often in a rush to get their EA up and running as soon as possible. This may lead them to hire a programmer who doesn’t have the right skills. You should always take your time finding and hiring a programmer.
  • Not verifying a programmer’s track record and capabilities: Just because an MT4 programmer says they can do something; it does not mean they can. You need to find independent references in the form of reviews and testimonials. You can look at independent review sites, as well as the programmer’s social media profiles to find feedback from other clients.
  • Choosing the cheapest developer: A programmer’s rate needs to be weighed up against their track record and capabilities. More expensive is not necessarily better, but there is a good chance that cheaper programmers won’t be up to the task. You don’t need to discard the cheapest quote, but you should make sure they can do the job.
  • Not ensuring the MT4 programmer will provide ongoing support: You may need help and support from a programmer after the job is completed. Before hiring a programmer, you should check that they will provide support and whether it will cost extra. Again, you can check the programmer’s social media profile to find out what other clients say about this.
  • Not checking that the EA works before making your final payment: A programmer may be in a rush to complete a job and move on to the next one. When your EA or indicator is completed, you need to make sure it actually works as intended. You, as the client are the only one who can make sure your idea has been properly implemented. It is worth spending some time testing the code over as wide a range of parameters as possible to ensure there are no bugs.

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