Vikopo Affiliate
July 22, 2022 2022-11-16 19:24Vikopo Affiliate
Vikopo Affiliate
Profit from our experience
Earn up to 35% commission for every successful referral

How it works?
We've streamlined our entire affiliate process to ensure ease of use, while still maintaining extremely accurate affiliate tracking
Earn up to 35% commission!
High Conversion Rate = More Money!
Long cookie duration
How it works?
- Visitor clicks on an affiliate link on your site or in an email.
- The visitors IP is logged and a cookie is placed in their browser for tracking purposes.
- The visitor browses our site, and may decide to order.
- If the visitor orders (the order need not be placed during the same browser session--cookies and IPs are stored indefinitely), the order will be registered as a sale for you.
- We will review and approve the sale.
- You will receive commission payouts.

Earn up to 35% commission for every successful referral
Profit from our experience
Invest in Professionals
A team comprising Traders Trust’s financial experts constantly monitors each strategy’s performance and rebalances it, making sure that your capital reaches its ultimate earning possibilities at all times.
Maintain Control
Investing in a Traders Trust Strategy does not mean you surrender control of your account. You can see the trading activity reflected in your account in real time and you can start or stop investing in any strategy at any time.
Invest in Multiple Strategies
You can invest in multiple strategies at the same time. All you need to do is open multiple Managed Accounts and per account follow one strategy . You keep your investments separate and your portfolio diversified.
That's it! You send us business, we send you money!
Signing up and getting your account configured couldn't be easier. You can be referring business our way in as little as five minutes.